Is 'Science vs God' Fake News?
Science and religion have been locked in battle for centuries, maybe even millennia. Right? Or is there another story?
Related resources for God in the Lab - a review
Science and religion have been locked in battle for centuries, maybe even millennia. Right? Or is there another story?
Former cold-case homicide detective J Warner Wallace applies his skills to training kids to do apologetics.
Greg Koukl defends the reasonableness and beauty of the Christian story, and reveals what's lacking in alternative accounts of reality.
What are the opportunities and challenges of studying medicine as a Christian?
With young people drifting away from the church faster than ever, this book looks at ways to create a space where faith is seen as a…
Teaching is full of challenges. How can Christian teachers 'work for the Lord' in a school context?
Review of a new book on Sharing Faith Using Social Media. The book also explores the use of different biblical paradigms for evangelism.
How do subjects like sociology, human geography and anthropology reveal the wonder and brokenness of human culture?
Why are so many of the films and TV shows we enjoy obsessed with the end of the world?