How do you know God exists?
Is there truly a God? How can anyone be sure such a being exists? We believe that the existence of God, and questions such as these…
Related resources for Has Science Eliminated God?
Is there truly a God? How can anyone be sure such a being exists? We believe that the existence of God, and questions such as these…
In January 2005, two remarkable events occurred. The first was that Oxford atheist and Darwinian scientist, Richard Dawkins, was publicly…
A talk on 'Science and Its Proper Boundaries: The Legacy of C.S. Lewis' outlining Lewis' views on science and scientism.
Neo-atheist Sam Harris alleges that the faith of Christian geneticist Francis Collins is unscientific: James Watson, the co-discoverer…
A response to the 'Who Made God?' objection to the Cosmological Argument.
A review of the Oxford debate between Richard Dawkins and Alister McGrath.
Who Made God? Everything has a beginning and was caused to exist by something else. But what about God? Who caused Him to exist and when?
Professor Antony Flew, 81 years old, is: “a legendary British philosopher and atheist and has been an icon and champion for…
There is probably no name more indelibly linked with rigid church fundamentalism than that of Bishop James Ussher (1581-1656), who today is…