Can Science Explain Everything?
Scientific naturalism claims that only science provides reliable answers. This article examines the claim.
Related resources for Science or Faith: Do I Need to Choose?
Scientific naturalism claims that only science provides reliable answers. This article examines the claim.
Many non-Christians see the Bible as completely unreliable. Here are some tips for addressing this challenge.
Moral objections to Christianity are some of the deepest and hardest to answer. This talk offers guidance for navigating this tricky area.
One of the core arguments of Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion is that religious faith is irrational. “Dyed-in-the-wool…
A response to the accusation that science is the enemy of Christianity.
Oscar Wilde once said, "There are two tragedies in life. One is not getting what you want. The other is getting it!" The writer Barry…
Are we nothing more than the result of neurons firing? Brain scientist Sharon Dirckx's concise book explores the issue from a Christian…
In 'Can Science Explain everything?' John Lennox shows that science sits more comfortably within the Christian worldview than in atheism.
Marcus K Paul's book 'The Evil That Men Do' offers a more balanced view of church history; acknowledging the good as well as the bad.