Has Science Disproved God?
In January 2005, two remarkable events occurred. The first was that Oxford atheist and Darwinian scientist, Richard Dawkins, was publicly…
Related resources for 'On Being' - The Scientism of Peter Atkins
In January 2005, two remarkable events occurred. The first was that Oxford atheist and Darwinian scientist, Richard Dawkins, was publicly…
William Lane Craig responds in a public lecture to the claims in Stephen Hawking's recent book The Grand Design.
A friend of mine was enjoying a coffee break at an Open University seminar for his philosophy course. Out of the blue, a colleague asked…
One of the core arguments of Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion is that religious faith is irrational. “Dyed-in-the-wool…
Alister McGrath explains how the atheism of Richard Dawkins is grounded in his understanding of the natural sciences.
Religion and Science are often seen as entirely separate – this book tries to bring them together.
This is Part 1 of Peter S. Williams' article 'Intelligent Designs on Science', which is the final paper in a series of interactions between…
Does a Universe that ‘runs itself’ need God? Oddly, the answer to this question is ‘No’. And ‘Yes’.
An interview with theologian and scientist Alister McGrath.