Designs on Science
This is an Open Letter to Adam, Tim, Cath and Greg in response to their Discussion in 'Theistic Evolution & Intelligent Design in…
Related resources for Reason and Wonder – a review
This is an Open Letter to Adam, Tim, Cath and Greg in response to their Discussion in 'Theistic Evolution & Intelligent Design in…
Responds to the idea that in a scientific age, people have outgrown the need for Christiainity.
This paper examines the contemporary relationship between science and Christianity. The exaggerated claims of secular scientists and…
Stephen Nichols’ short book is a helpful introduction to answering hard questions with grace and truth.
Alister McGrath's 'Inventing the Universe' argues that science and religion are not in opposition, they are complementary 'maps of reality'.
Former cold-case homicide detective J Warner Wallace applies his skills to training kids to do apologetics.
In this book, Philip Ryken sets out the need for students to take a distinctively Christian approach to their studies – and all of life.
Anthony Thiselton introduces key thinkers and ideas within philosophy of religion through the centuries.
Alister McGrath breaks down the myth that science and religion are incompatible, encouraging us to explore the two collaboratively.