Truth, Faith and Hope in Life of Pi – A Philosophical Review
Philosopher Peter S. Williams reviews the Christian, Hindu and Secular Humanist perspectives on themes of Truth, Faith and Hope in the…
Related resources for Christ-Centred Hindu Community
Philosopher Peter S. Williams reviews the Christian, Hindu and Secular Humanist perspectives on themes of Truth, Faith and Hope in the…
Philosopher and former atheist Antony Flew shares his thoughts on Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion'.
An introduction to Hindu beliefs and practices, with helpful advice for speaking about Jesus with Hindu friends.
Greg Koukl defends the reasonableness and beauty of the Christian story, and reveals what's lacking in alternative accounts of reality.
What has authority to help us to know truly? This book explores questions of how we can really know what reality is like.
This is an outstanding and important book. It is an exposition and defence of the Christian hope, drawing heavily on Wright’s more…
In Do Muslims and Christians Worship the Same God?, Andy Bannister compares the world’s two largest religions, getting beyond the…
An introduction to Buddhist beliefs and practices, with helpful advice for sharing the gospel with Buddhist friends.
With 815,000 Hindus in the UK, how can Christians effectively understand and engage with them?