Christian Persuaders Podcasts
12 interviews with leading Christian apologists on communicating the truth and relevance of the Christian gospel.
Engage with the most important questions of life
12 interviews with leading Christian apologists on communicating the truth and relevance of the Christian gospel.
Neo-atheist Sam Harris alleges that the faith of Christian geneticist Francis Collins is unscientific: James Watson, the co-discoverer…
Bart Ehrman and Pete Williams debate the trustworthiness of the New Testament documents on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio…
Three scientists present their own distinctive perspective on the proper understanding of Genesis chapters 1-3. Each speaker describes…
Mike Licona responds to the latest attempt by the hyperskeptical community to advance the thesis that Jesus never existed.
Peter S. Williams responds to Denis Alexander on the issue of the Christian and biblical understanding of evolution and intelligent design.
After an appraisal of recent scholarship on the historicity of the resurrection of Jesus Christ, Professor William Craig contends that,…
Peter May considers some of the earliest evidence for the resurrection: the early Christian creed recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5
William Lane Craig debates whether God is a delusion with Professor Mike Begon.