New Research on Gospel Contradictions
Sean McDowell interviews Mike Licona on how his research into ancient biographies sheds light onto Gospel contradictions.
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Sean McDowell interviews Mike Licona on how his research into ancient biographies sheds light onto Gospel contradictions.
What, if anything, separates human beings from every other species on earth? Are we just naked apes? Or something more?
Denis Alexander addresses the theological issues associated with an understanding of Adam who was not the sole genetic ancestor of all of…
This ancient and fascinating document both intrigues and disturbs its readers. It is so denigrated by some Christians, that they have…
A look at Hawking's claim that modern physics shows we do not require a Creator God.
Acharya S is a skeptic with an interest in mythology who has written a book entitled The Christ Conspiracy: The Greatest Story Ever Sold.…
A day conference on New Testament historical apologetics affirms the reliability of the New Testament using new lines of evidence.
As the situation in Gaza becomes worse by the day, the apologetic challenge this weekend is most likely to centre on the role of religion…
This article is the text of Peter May's opening speech at a debate held at the University of Birmingham on 22 November 2007. The debate was…