Bible and Church Conference: the reliability of the NT
A day conference on New Testament historical apologetics affirms the reliability of the New Testament using new lines of evidence.
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A day conference on New Testament historical apologetics affirms the reliability of the New Testament using new lines of evidence.
One of the benefits of public debates is that it encourages Christians to engage with the issues raised in these events, think through…
The real assumption in this question is clear: Surely the discoveries of modern science have proved that biblical religion is untenable.…
This article is the text of Peter May's opening speech at a debate held at the University of Birmingham on 22 November 2007. The debate was…
The usual attempts to defend the historical reliability of the New Testament are often fairly general in nature. These arguments are…
Less than two metres tall and only lasting about 70 years — can we matter in a universe that is so big and so old, so dark and so cold?
When people talk about the Bible as the inspired Word of God, does it include every book, every word and every detail?
One of the core arguments of Richard Dawkins’ book The God Delusion is that religious faith is irrational. “Dyed-in-the-wool…
Is our own experience the final and only arbiter for what we can accept as true?