Unbelievable? - a review
Justin Brierley reflects on why he is still a Christian after ten years on hosting debates with atheists
Engage with the most important questions of life
Justin Brierley reflects on why he is still a Christian after ten years on hosting debates with atheists
Does a Universe that ‘runs itself’ need God? Oddly, the answer to this question is ‘No’. And ‘Yes’.
Will science lead us to complete knowledge of everything, or are there areas science can't touch?
James N Anderson provides a real, concrete analysis of the reasons Christianity makes most sense of the world.
Alister McGrath breaks down the myth that science and religion are incompatible, encouraging us to explore the two collaboratively.
Ruth Bancewicz sets out to help scientists understand how their Christian faith and scientific research can complement one another.
What should you say when your science teacher objects to Christianity? This article offers some simple ways to respond.
In RE lessons it often seems all religions are equally valid. Here are some suggestions for speaking to your teacher about this.
This comprehensive exploration of the history and mechanics of human curiosity argues that “Science swims in the slipstream of ultimate…