Do only Christians go to Heaven?
Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be…
Engage with the most important questions of life
Classical evangelical doctrine holds that salvation comes only through faith in Jesus Christ, and that those without such faith will be…
This is an Open Letter to Adam, Tim, Cath and Greg in response to their Discussion in 'Theistic Evolution & Intelligent Design in…
We now live in a 'global village', a multi-faith society where exclusive claims may offend. Many adherents of other faiths are prepared to…
Some people claim there are 'lost books' that should have been included in the Bible. Greg Koukl says this view doesn't make sense, whether…
If Jesus really rose, it changes everything. Here are some great reasons to believe the resurrection actually happened.
Was Jesus' tomb really empty, or was this just a story made up years later?
A brief introduction to some of the issues discussed in the Philosophy of Religion and Natural Theology.
Part 1 of a video series examining why God allows suffering gives the personal stories of the contributors.
Interview with philosopher Roger Trigg covering science and philosophy, faith and reason.