Can Science Explain Everything?
Scientific naturalism claims that only science provides reliable answers. This article examines the claim.
Engage with the most important questions of life
Scientific naturalism claims that only science provides reliable answers. This article examines the claim.
This article is the text of Peter May's opening speech at a debate held at the University of Birmingham on 22 November 2007. The debate was…
Peter S. Williams responds to Denis Alexander on the issue of the Christian and biblical understanding of evolution and intelligent design.
Less than two metres tall and only lasting about 70 years — can we matter in a universe that is so big and so old, so dark and so cold?
The inspiration of the Bible is an extremely crucial topic in today's world. Many talk about the Bible being inspired. But when asked to…
The Bible says there is a way that seems right to man, but the end of this is the way of death (Proverbs 16:25). In other words, a person…
Is there truly a God? How can anyone be sure such a being exists? We believe that the existence of God, and questions such as these…
This lecture was given by Professor William Lane Craig at Manchester University as a part of UCCF's Reasonable Faith Tour. The lecture is…
The fundamental question concerning miracles is what is the nature of God’s relationship to the world? Christians claim: God is…