Debate: Can Science Explain Everything?
Oxford professors John Lennox and Peter Atkins discuss whether we can answer all life's questions using the scientific method.
Engage with the most important questions of life
Oxford professors John Lennox and Peter Atkins discuss whether we can answer all life's questions using the scientific method.
Part 3 of a video series examining why God allows suffering describes some personal responses to suffering.
Are God and science necessarily in competition? Does science fit better with Christian belief or with atheism?
Did Jesus claim or imply that he was anything more than a prophet? Or did his followers transform him into the Son of God many years later?
Can we be confident that we have the original text of the Gospels? How does it compare to other ancient documents?
William Lane Craig debates whether God is a delusion with Professor Mike Begon.
William Lane Craig responds in a public lecture to the claims in Stephen Hawking's recent book The Grand Design.
Bill Craig discusses the oscillating universe model with a group of students.
We all seek purpose and fulfillment – this talk explores how true and lasting satisfaction can be found through faith in Jesus.