What sort of God would send good people to hell?
Responding to the question of whether the existence of Hell means that God cannot be a God of love.
Explore some of the key beliefs of Christianity and find out why Christians believe they are reasonable.
Responding to the question of whether the existence of Hell means that God cannot be a God of love.
What does human society tell us about human nature? Are we essentially good or bad?
Why the case for the truth of Christianity has never been stronger - but Europe is a difficult place to spread that message.
This talk considers the difficult issue of Hell - what it is and how a loving God can send anyone there.
Adrian Holloway tackles the question of whether we can trust what we read in the New Testament or should dismiss it as unsubstantiated myth.
The way the Gospel accounts use the right names for people shows that they were about real people, based on reliable information.
Explore why Jesus' death on the cross is central to understanding God’s love, justice, and forgiveness, challenging common misconceptions.
An overview of some reasons to believe in God, with links to fuller resources and some recommended books.
Read this book if you want to be prepared to speak to anyone interested in why they can trust the accounts they read in the Gospels. And…