Richard Dawkins' Objections to God
William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and…
Related resources for Where did God come from?
William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and…
During the 2007 Reasonable Faith Tour, Professor William Lane Craig debated Andrew Pyle at Bristol University on the topic "Does the…
William Lane Craig and Richard Dawkins have finally ended up in a debate on the topic 'Does the Universe Have a Purpose?' at a conference…
Postmodern liberalism may sound liberating and enticing to its adherents, but it may be no more than a 21st century fairy tale for the…
A look at Hawking's claim that modern physics shows we do not require a Creator God.
Christians Richard Morgan and Todd Pitner discuss with atheist Gordon Livesey the value of religious experience for belief in God.…
According to atheists, there is no supernatural Power or Being separate from the universe and responsible for its creation. There is…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at Texas A&M University, in February 2006, Dr Hugh Ross discusses whether there is scientific…
In a talk entitled 'The Language of God: A Scientist Presents Evidence for Belief' given at The Veritas Forum at the California Institute…