No God But One - a review
Nabeel Qureshi, a former muslim, weighs up the evidence for both Islam and Christianity.
Related resources for The Case for God – a review
Nabeel Qureshi, a former muslim, weighs up the evidence for both Islam and Christianity.
Religion and Science are often seen as entirely separate – this book tries to bring them together.
How can Christians respond to questions about 'transgender' issues?
Why are so many of the films and TV shows we enjoy obsessed with the end of the world?
Responding to the question of whether the existence of Hell means that God cannot be a God of love.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks 'How can God allow suffering?'
William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and…
Those who have read many of Norman Geisler’s earlier works will likely recognize that this book is major update of an earlier book,…
Dr Craig presents seven arguments for the existence of God.