Setting the record straight on the Church's dark history
Marcus K Paul's book 'The Evil That Men Do' offers a more balanced view of church history; acknowledging the good as well as the bad.
Related resources for The Case for God – a review
Marcus K Paul's book 'The Evil That Men Do' offers a more balanced view of church history; acknowledging the good as well as the bad.
Andrew Walker looks at what the Bible says about the questions and issues surrounding gender identity.
This book urgently seeks a recovery of Christian persuasion, 'a way of apologetics that is as profound as the good news we announce'.
Never been to church? Been away from church for a while? This helpful book explores why it's worth going to church.
Responding to the question of whether the existence of Hell means that God cannot be a God of love.
John Lennox delivers his critique of Stephen Hawking's arguments in The Grand Design and explains why, despite its media hype, neither God…
William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and…
William Lane Craig debates the existence of God with Peter Atkins.
William Lane Craig responds in a public lecture to the claims in Stephen Hawking's recent book The Grand Design.