Reason and Wonder a review
Religion and Science are often seen as entirely separate this book tries to bring them together.
Related resources for The God I Don't Understand a review
Religion and Science are often seen as entirely separate this book tries to bring them together.
How can Christians respond to questions about 'transgender' issues?
Why are so many of the films and TV shows we enjoy obsessed with the end of the world?
Some reflections on helping people handle questions about our faith.
A review of Bart Ehrman's book claiming that many of the New Testament documents were falsely written under someone else's name.
A consideration of the relationship of science and certain Biblical issues, including the nature of miracles and the Exodus.
Links to further resources to follow up on the bethinking booklet which asks 'How can God allow suffering?'
Bob Price and David Instone-Brewer discuss the Bible's attitude to slavery on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
This talk challenges the New Atheist interpretations and condemnation of the Old Testament, including the destruction of the Canaanites.