Young Nation
Why does the desire to be young again continually re-appear in contemporary culture? What is a Christian response?
Related resources for Can Science Test Prayer?
Why does the desire to be young again continually re-appear in contemporary culture? What is a Christian response?
Consultant psychiatrist Rob Waller talks about his work, as a Christian, in the area of mental health and discusses some related issues.
Examining the concepts of self-worth and self-esteem and why such ideologies can leave us emptier than ever.
Whatever aspect of ethics you're interested in, the Kirby Laing Institute for Christian Ethics (KLICE) seeks to provide resources to help…
The following is an extract from Philip Vander Elst's full paper of the same title. The whole paper can be downloaded from the link on the…
Environmental and 'Green' issues are a prime concern for many people today. David Cook considers whether Christianity is to blame and asks…
A medical and biblical exploration of gender issues.
Reality TV now seems to be everywhere. What does it tell us about what is real and what is true? And what does it say about God?
Would contact with extraterrestrial beings create a crisis of faith? Chris Oldfield reviews 'Science, Religion and the Search for…