The Heart of Contentment
Does the philosophy of individualism lead to happiness? How does the desire for freedom link in with the human need for relationship?
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Does the philosophy of individualism lead to happiness? How does the desire for freedom link in with the human need for relationship?
Peter Sanlon gives a brief introduction to his book on 'Queer Studies'.
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Michael Ots considers the question of self-image and asks what is the value of any human being. The talk lasts about 30 mins and is…
This article responds to Sam Harris’ assertion that one can justify stoning someone to death for adultery by appealing to the New…
We live in an age where a lot of emphasis is placed on instantaneous success. Sadly this level of unreal expectation has permeated…
In a talk given at The Veritas Forum at the University of Cambridge in March 2008, Dr Elaine Storkey considers what it means to have a…
What is depression? Is depression sin or sickness? How can we recognize Clinical Depression? What makes some people more vulnerable to…
Power corrupts. I have heard that phrase a lot in recent conversations. Some have expressed this view when talking about…