Sex, Drugs and Rock-n-Roll – Does Jesus Spoil All the Fun?
Isn't following Jesus all about rules that stop you living the way you want?
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Isn't following Jesus all about rules that stop you living the way you want?
Mark Stibbe’s latest book focuses on John’s resurrection account and offers an accessible, close reading of the passage which,…
Many people today describe that they are 'living inside their own head'. This describes a state of disconnection from reality outside of…
A review of Philip Pullman's The Good Man Jesus and the Scoundrel Christ.
A politician, a surgeon, an electrical engineer and an anaesthetist once entered into a discussion about which of them represented the…
Rob Cook, who lectures at Redcliffe College, Gloucester, reviews Spirituality Without God: Buddhist Enlightenment and Christian…
Some thoughts on studying archaeology and / or anthropology as a Christian.
Greg Koukl explains why he believes that science cannot test prayer.
How we reply to this complex question will very much depend on who is asking, and we need to be ready to admit that we don’t have all…