Surprised by Oxford: best book I read in a year
A review of Carolyn Weber's account of finding God at Oxford.
Related resources for Nothing But a Pack of Neurons?
A review of Carolyn Weber's account of finding God at Oxford.
Resources relating to the UK 2015 General Election.
Michael Ots considers the question of self-image and asks what is the value of any human being. The talk lasts about 30 mins and is…
Many people today describe that they are 'living inside their own head'. This describes a state of disconnection from reality outside of…
A politician, a surgeon, an electrical engineer and an anaesthetist once entered into a discussion about which of them represented the…
Some thoughts on studying archaeology and / or anthropology as a Christian.
Greg Koukl explains why he believes that science cannot test prayer.
How we reply to this complex question will very much depend on who is asking, and we need to be ready to admit that we don’t have all…
In this talk, Hans Rookmaaker considers what art is, what its purpose is and what the attitude of Christians should be towards it.