Science or Faith: Do I Need to Choose?
The belief that science and religion are in fundamental conflict runs deep. But is it really as simple as that?
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The belief that science and religion are in fundamental conflict runs deep. But is it really as simple as that?
Are we nothing more than the result of neurons firing? Brain scientist Sharon Dirckx's concise book explores the issue from a Christian…
Will science lead us to complete knowledge of everything, or are there areas science can't touch?
This comprehensive exploration of the history and mechanics of human curiosity argues that “Science swims in the slipstream of ultimate…
A medical and biblical exploration of gender issues.
Interview with philosopher Roger Trigg covering science and philosophy, faith and reason.
Reality TV now seems to be everywhere. What does it tell us about what is real and what is true? And what does it say about God?
Would contact with extraterrestrial beings create a crisis of faith? Chris Oldfield reviews 'Science, Religion and the Search for…
People regularly question whether the multiverse belongs in the arena of scientific investigation. The answers often center on a key query:…