"Who am I?"
Who are you? Where does your sense of identity come from?
Related resources for Postmodernism and the Question of Identity
Who are you? Where does your sense of identity come from?
An apocryphal story of Greg Koukl's backyard deck serves to illustrate an important lesson about the nature of human identity. I'm having…
Deciding who to vote for is a big decision. Here are some principles to help you think things through for yourself.
Resources relating to the UK 2015 General Election.
Bob Price and David Instone-Brewer discuss the Bible's attitude to slavery on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
The forthright defence of the permissibility of "after-birth abortion" – infanticide – by two Melbourne-based philosophers in…
We live in an age where a lot of emphasis is placed on instantaneous success. Sadly this level of unreal expectation has permeated…
This month England has been taken by storm. Not rain – but riots. Unlike the weather, it came without warning and has left the nation…
UCCF and bethinking.org offer this paper to encourage consideration of these important political topics, but do not endorse any particular…