C.S. Lewis's Approach to Art and Literature
Please note that the content of this talk partially overlaps that of Jerry Root’s other talk entitled 'C.S. Lewis’s Approach to…
Related resources for The Artist Needs No Justification
Please note that the content of this talk partially overlaps that of Jerry Root’s other talk entitled 'C.S. Lewis’s Approach to…
What does it mean that we are 'made in the image of God'?
What is the basic biblical teaching on forgiveness? Is there a difference between an apology and asking forgiveness? What about hard cases…
A newspaper front page is, in essence, a religious object. Of course that isn't what we think we're buying. But it's what we get. Not with…
An apocryphal story of Greg Koukl's backyard deck serves to illustrate an important lesson about the nature of human identity. I'm having…
How have artists tried to capture the paradoxes of the cross through their work?
Deciding who to vote for is a big decision. Here are some principles to help you think things through for yourself.
A short video outlining some of the effects of pornography, based on academic research.
An interview with clinical psychologist Rev Dr Joanna Collicutt on faith, delusion and well being.