Get Real
Reality TV now seems to be everywhere. What does it tell us about what is real and what is true? And what does it say about God?
Related resources for Transgender
Reality TV now seems to be everywhere. What does it tell us about what is real and what is true? And what does it say about God?
Consultant psychiatrist Rob Waller talks about his work, as a Christian, in the area of mental health and discusses some related issues.
Some guidelines on how to run a film discussion evening and how to choose a suitable film.
Peter Sanlon gives a brief introduction to his book on 'Queer Studies'.
A review of the Oscar winning film 'Gravity' considers the themes of isolation, death, sacrifice and rebirth.
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.
"Make them remember you." The Doctor’s advice to Amy and Rory as they faced the Parliament of the Daleks (episode 1: 'Asylum of the…
David Cronenberg built his reputation on making challenging, boundary-breaking films which explore sexuality, violence and death. So…
This talk was given by Ann Brown at Canterbury University Christian Union. © 2012 Ann Brown This resource is provided by the kind…