The Christian Mind and the Christian Heart
Jerram Barrs considers the place of the mind and the heart in the Christian faith, and argues that Christians have often failed to love God…
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Jerram Barrs considers the place of the mind and the heart in the Christian faith, and argues that Christians have often failed to love God…
A review of J.K. Rowling's Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows.
Fiona Stewart find worlds of light and shade in her review of the film Bridge to Terabithia. Every day before catching the bus to school…
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
A review of the film and book The Corporation.
Reviews of some of Joanne Harris' novels, including Chocolat.
Two talks on the 'Psychological Barriers to Belief' look at basic life patterns and past painful experiences.
What is depression? Is depression sin or sickness? How can we recognize Clinical Depression? What makes some people more vulnerable to…
How are we to think about our lives? The most basic thing we can say about our human life is that God created us to be like Himself –…