Exclusivity: How can there be just one true religion?
With so many different religions and ways of viewing the world, how can Christians claim their way is the right one?
Engage with the debate about whether there is only one way to God. Might all religions lead to God by different paths? Are Christians arrogant to claim that Christianity is true and that other religions are not?
With so many different religions and ways of viewing the world, how can Christians claim their way is the right one?
A question we often hear is, "Does it really matter what I believe as long as I believe in something?" Or, "As long as your belief helps…
What about other religions? When the world is moving in such a globalizing way, believing in one truth seems naive at best, and intolerant…
An alternative version of the traditional story of the blind men and the elephant.
We now live in a 'global village', a multi-faith society where exclusive claims may offend. Many adherents of other faiths are prepared to…
How can we know whether there is more than one way to salvation?