The Power of Ideas
This wide-ranging collection of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' writing and speeches offers plenty of food for thought.
Related resources for But Is It True? - a review
This wide-ranging collection of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' writing and speeches offers plenty of food for thought.
In 'Can Science Explain everything?' John Lennox shows that science sits more comfortably within the Christian worldview than in atheism.
Marcus K Paul's book 'The Evil That Men Do' offers a more balanced view of church history; acknowledging the good as well as the bad.
Christians claim Jesus rose from the dead; why should we care whether it's true or not?
James N Anderson provides a real, concrete analysis of the reasons Christianity makes most sense of the world.
Christopher Ash opens up what the Bible says about the tricky question of suffering.
Alister McGrath breaks down the myth that science and religion are incompatible, encouraging us to explore the two collaboratively.
This book urgently seeks a recovery of Christian persuasion, 'a way of apologetics that is as profound as the good news we announce'.
Helpful pointers for answering questions about the harsh reality of suffering.