The Case for Christian Theism
This documentary contains never-before-seen interviews with attendees and participants from the 2011 Reasonable Faith Tour.
Related resources for Debating the Faith
This documentary contains never-before-seen interviews with attendees and participants from the 2011 Reasonable Faith Tour.
Oxford professors John Lennox and Peter Atkins discuss whether we can answer all life's questions using the scientific method.
“If Christianity is not true, then it’s not worth believing” - This book addresses common objections to Christian truth claims.
William Lane Craig and Peter S.Williams debate with Arif Ahmed and Andrew Copson at the Cambridge Union Society.
There are a number of popular misconceptions about Christianity that arise in today's society. Brian Douglas answers four of these as he…
What do Christians mean when they claim that Christianity is true?
Resources to help you investigate the truth of the easter story.
William Lane Craig debates whether God is a delusion with Professor Mike Begon.