Three Views on the NT Use of the OT – a review
The Zondervan Counterpoints series continues to produce extremely valuable volumes of the two-, three-, four-, and five-views variety on…
Related resources for A Friendly Dialogue Between an Atheist & a Christian – a review
The Zondervan Counterpoints series continues to produce extremely valuable volumes of the two-, three-, four-, and five-views variety on…
Recently, Colin Blakemore tried to argue that the relentless march of science was leaving precious little room in which religion could…
One of the benefits of public debates is that it encourages Christians to engage with the issues raised in these events, think through…
Jerram Barrs asks how Christians can connect with non-Christians. He urges all Christians to take people and their questions seriously.
During the Question and Answer session of Professor Craig's Manchester Lecture "Is Life without God Absurd?", he was asked how he came to…
John Lennox speaks about God and Richard Dawkins and undermines the concept that religion and science are in inevitable conflict with each…
Three talks by Wim Rietkerk entitled 'The Challenge of Atheism' consider whether Christianity whould be seen as an ideology or as a…
Edith Reitsema discusses the life and philosophy of the late 19th century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who challenged Christian…
Zoologist Dr. Richard Dawkins (1941-) is ‘materialistic, reductionist and overtly anti-religious.’[1] Charles Simonyi, head of…