Do Angels Really Exist?
In the twenty-first century, can people really still believe in angels and demons?
Related resources for Making Sense of God - a review
In the twenty-first century, can people really still believe in angels and demons?
How can we explain mankind's dueling capacities for debauchery and greatness? Pascal argued Christianity held the answer.
This talk considers the difficult issue of Hell - what it is and how a loving God can send anyone there.
Philosopher Peter S. Williams reviews the Christian, Hindu and Secular Humanist perspectives on themes of Truth, Faith and Hope in the…
I write a weekly column for The Dallas Morning News as a contributor to their Texas Faith blog. This week we were asked, "What would Jesus…
Read this book if you want to be prepared to speak to anyone interested in why they can trust the accounts they read in the Gospels. And…
A review of the film Les Misérables.
The dwarves have all the best songs. Whether they are singing raucous ditties about smashing Bilbo’s best crockery or low, mournful…
Melvyn Bragg, who says he is not religious himself, provides an interesting rebuttal of some of the arguments made against Christianity,…