Persuasive Evangelism
A challenging call, based on the Acts of the Apostles, to think about how persuasive our evangelism is.
Related resources for Making Sense of God - a review
A challenging call, based on the Acts of the Apostles, to think about how persuasive our evangelism is.
Four implications of 1 Peter 3:15 that will help you stand up and speak out about Jesus.
A short suggestion on how to respond to un-evidenced assertions – at college, university or anywhere else...
Florence Gildea considers the background and consequences to 'Raunch Culture' and offers an alternative Christian view.
Did 'core' Christian beliefs slowly change over history? This talk considers: the Gospels; the divinity of Jesus; and the resurrection.
Why are Christians so hypocritical, nasty & judgmental? A response to one of the most common objections to Christianity.
This extract from 'Atheism's New Clothes' responds to the accusation that theology is empty, like the Emperor's New Clothes.
A review of the Oscar winning film 'Gravity' considers the themes of isolation, death, sacrifice and rebirth.
If evolution programs our brains for survival, not truth, and humanity evolved to believe in God, how can atheists trust that their…