After God
Pete Lowman asks what happens to the sense of Identity, Purpose, Ethics and Love when a culture tries to live without God.
Related resources for Making Sense of God - a review
Pete Lowman asks what happens to the sense of Identity, Purpose, Ethics and Love when a culture tries to live without God.
Ranald Macaulay considers the nature of truth and the revelation to be found in the Bible.
Some New Atheists argue that belief in God is as sensible as belief in a Flying Spaghetti Monster. Greg explains why this is not the case.
A look at how the events of the first Christmas show God has given us enough evidence for us to be confident that he is there and that he…
The sexual revolution has failed to live up to its promises. This book looks at how the Christian view offers a better story.
The existence of evil and suffering in the world is perhaps the most common objection to belief in God. If God is both good and…
When there is so much evil and suffering all around us, how can we believe God is good?
The landscape within which we do apologetics has changed. Our arguments can be sound, our evidence convincing (at least to us), but…
A sample chapter from Back in Time: A thinking fan's guide to Doctor Who.