Sherlock Holmes
A review of the recent Sherlock Holmes films and BBC TV series.
Related resources for Making Sense of God - a review
A review of the recent Sherlock Holmes films and BBC TV series.
William Lane Craig debates the existence of God with Professor of Philosophy Peter Millican.
Bill Craig addresses the central arguments of Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion'.
The second of the two films adapted from J.K. Rowling’s final Harry Potter novel begins at the place where the first left us hanging:…
What happens when people are given free reign to do what they want with impunity? When there are no consequences for their actions because…
Mark Stibbe’s latest book focuses on John’s resurrection account and offers an accessible, close reading of the passage which,…
One of the many changes which the Internet has brought into our lives is that it is remarkably easy to masquerade as something we're not.…
The King's Speech is book-ended by two speeches. The first is a disaster, a deeply humiliating experience for Prince Albert, Duke of York…
Cell biologist Lewis Wolpert has recently attained a measure of notoriety with the British public, primarily through the publication of his…