You Want to Be a Good Apologist?
If you want to be a good apologist, take this advice.
Related resources for The Benefits of Apologetics: a reasonable Christian faith
If you want to be a good apologist, take this advice.
Did 'core' Christian beliefs slowly change over history? This talk considers: the Gospels; the divinity of Jesus; and the resurrection.
7 suggestions for what makes good apologetics
When we think of Chesterton today, we think of Father Brown, the quintessential priest-detective. But, like Conan Doyle, who believed his…
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.
Steve Wilcox begins his apologetics series by examining the principles of faith. ‘Faith’ is considered a dirty word in our…
Why should we consider the stories of Osiris, Dionysus, Adonis and Attis as myth, yet think Jesus of Nazareth is history? The answer is…
What are the barriers that prevent people engaging with apologetics today? How can we make people aware of its potential to present the…
The late British missiologist Lesslie Newbigin made a profound impact on many evangelicals. His prophetical call to mission in the West was…