Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
Related resources for An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History
Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
Creating a work of philosophy that is both deeply rich in meaning and accessible to a non-philosophically-trained audience is a daunting…
Don Closson challenges all Christians to consider how we should react to public hostility and attacks. In this day of multiculturalism and…
As the situation in Gaza becomes worse by the day, the apologetic challenge this weekend is most likely to centre on the role of religion…
Many non-Christians see the Bible as completely unreliable. Here are some tips for addressing this challenge.
Moral objections to Christianity are some of the deepest and hardest to answer. This talk offers guidance for navigating this tricky area.
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
In the book The Da Vinci Code the author Dan Brown poses a question and suggests an answer, in a discussion between the characters of…
Hegel is a challenging and influential thinker. This short but rich book engages with Hegel from a Reformed Christian perspective.