Archaeology and the Historical Reliability of the New Testament
Peter S. Williams examines the historical reliability of the New Testament in the light of the findings of archaeology. “On the…
Related resources for An Honest Look at the Good and Evil of Christian History
Peter S. Williams examines the historical reliability of the New Testament in the light of the findings of archaeology. “On the…
The existence of evil seems to challenge the idea of an all-powerful God of love. Here is one person's account of grappling with this…
An in-depth look at Jordan Peterson's 'antidote to chaos'.
The suggestion that, "Belief leads to intolerance and ultimately to conflict" is one of the most popular ideas around, but is it true?
Philosopher and former atheist Antony Flew shares his thoughts on Richard Dawkins' 'The God Delusion'.
I am often asked how I can believe in God when there have been so many wars caused by religion. The implication is that if only people…
An examination of both Pauline and gospel material leads to eight lines of evidence in support of the conclusion that Jesus's tomb was…
This ancient and fascinating document both intrigues and disturbs its readers. It is so denigrated by some Christians, that they have…
Many people today doubt Jesus was a real person. Here are 8 ancient non-biblical sources that provide evidence of his existence.