Did Paul and Constantine invent Christianity?
Some people claim that the apostle Paul and later Emperor Constantine changed the pristine religion preached by Jesus for their own ends.…
Related resources for Ancient and Unreliable: Isn't the Bible just a book of myths?
Some people claim that the apostle Paul and later Emperor Constantine changed the pristine religion preached by Jesus for their own ends.…
The doctrine of Christ's divinity is the central Christian doctrine, for it is like a skeleton key that opens all the others. Christians…
Bart Ehrman and Pete Williams debate the trustworthiness of the New Testament documents on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio…
A previous article addressed the question, ‘Does the Bible really attest to the deity of Jesus?’ by looking at several…
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ perplexes many people. Why is it such an important belief?
On the first week of April, 2006, the National Geographic Society announced the discovery of a lost gospel titled, 'The Gospel of Judas'.…
The Jesus Seminar claims that some of the words of Jesus recorded in the Gospels were actually said by him but others were invented by the…
What could a Christian say in response? Well, wisdom often leads us to follow a certain course of action over many other options. For…
The belief that Jesus rose from the dead is central to Christianity. But how can anyone believe it really happened?