The Gospels and the 'so-called' gospels
A discussion of Christian beliefs about the divinity of Jesus and why the New Testament did not include other 'gospels'.
Related resources for Isn’t the Bible Full of Contradictions?
A discussion of Christian beliefs about the divinity of Jesus and why the New Testament did not include other 'gospels'.
William Lane Craig responds to Stephen Hawking's claim that cosmology is "a religion for intelligent atheists".
Myths are stories which are important to societies. But can it be helpful to compare the Gospel to stories such as The Lord of the Rings,…
In this talk, Os Guinness considers how we can communicate creatively in our evangelism and apologetics. By considering the nature of…
It often seems difficult to make time for a refresher course – and sometimes the issue is knowing just how and where to start. So…
Bill Maher, a well-known American comedian, satirist and religious sceptic has added this comedy-documentary to the growing number of…
Mike Licona responds to the latest attempt by the hyperskeptical community to advance the thesis that Jesus never existed.
Apologetics is the discipline that deals with a rational defence of Christian faith. It comes from the Greek word apologia which means to…
Dallas Willard considers what we can learn from the example of Jesus as a master logician and an excellent apologist.