Does Astronomy Reveal Joshua’s Long Day?
A popular story gives a salutary warning of the need to check our sources carefully and be careful in the arguments we use.
Related resources for Isn’t the Bible Full of Contradictions?
A popular story gives a salutary warning of the need to check our sources carefully and be careful in the arguments we use.
Richard Dawkins, Rabbi Josh Levy and Chris Sinkinson join Justin Brierley to discuss the morality of the Old Testament.
Did Jesus claim or imply that he was anything more than a prophet? Or did his followers transform him into the Son of God many years later?
Are the Gospels full of contradictions? What would have been seen as normal standards of trustworthy historical writing at that time?
Peter S. Williams chairs a discussion with William Lane Craig, John Lennox, Peter J. Williams and Gary R. Habermas.
William Lane Craig sets out the historical and Biblical evidence that leads to the conclusion that Jesus Christ rose from the dead.
At a recent Alpha group, frustrated by the complexity of the Bible, someone sighed, "I wish God had written an executive summary." But God…
In this talk, Os Guinness considers how we can communicate creatively in our evangelism and apologetics. By considering the nature of…
It often seems difficult to make time for a refresher course – and sometimes the issue is knowing just how and where to start. So…