Unbelievable? - a review
Justin Brierley reflects on why he is still a Christian after ten years on hosting debates with atheists
Related resources for Jesus, Interrupted a review
Justin Brierley reflects on why he is still a Christian after ten years on hosting debates with atheists
This book urgently seeks a recovery of Christian persuasion, 'a way of apologetics that is as profound as the good news we announce'.
This extensive study explores the debates around sexuality and identity, and argues that the Bible provides a more fulfilling model.
This comprehensive exploration of the history and mechanics of human curiosity argues that Science swims in the slipstream of ultimate…
This video describes how the geographical descriptions in the New Testament Gospels demonstrate their reliability.
Sean McDowell interviews Mike Licona on how his research into ancient biographies sheds light onto Gospel contradictions.
Did 'core' Christian beliefs slowly change over history? This talk considers: the Gospels; the divinity of Jesus; and the resurrection.
Why the so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" is a modern forgery.
Peter May considers some of the earliest evidence for the resurrection: the early Christian creed recorded in 1 Corinthians 15:3-5