My History Teacher Says 'The Gospels Are Unreliable'
Three questions to ask your history teacher when they claim you can't trust the Gospels.
Related resources for Hasn't the New Testament been changed?
Three questions to ask your history teacher when they claim you can't trust the Gospels.
“If Christianity is not true, then it’s not worth believing” - This book addresses common objections to Christian truth claims.
Sean McDowell interviews Mike Licona on how his research into ancient biographies sheds light onto Gospel contradictions.
Why the so-called "Gospel of Jesus' Wife" is a modern forgery.
Some reflections on why the canonical Gospels are in the Bible whereas the apocryphal Gospels are not.
Adrian Holloway tackles the question of whether we can trust what we read in the New Testament or should dismiss it as unsubstantiated myth.
The way the Gospel accounts use the right names for people shows that they were about real people, based on reliable information.
This video describes the discovery of the earliest copy of part of John's Gospel, the 'John Rylands Fragment'.
Can we be confident that we have the original text of the Gospels? How does it compare to other ancient documents?