Does Astronomy Reveal Joshua’s Long Day?
A popular story gives a salutary warning of the need to check our sources carefully and be careful in the arguments we use.
Related resources for Astrophysics Points to the God of the Bible
A popular story gives a salutary warning of the need to check our sources carefully and be careful in the arguments we use.
This extract from 'Atheism's New Clothes' responds to the accusation that theology is empty, like the Emperor's New Clothes.
People regularly question whether the multiverse belongs in the arena of scientific investigation. The answers often center on a key query:…
Bill Craig and A.C. Grayling debate the problem of suffering in the light of tsunamis, on Justin Brierley's 'Unbelievable?' radio programme.
Paul Davies & John Lennox discuss whether life might exist elsewhere in the universe and discuss signs of design in the universe.
This is a ‘wham-bam, take it or leave it’ book. Prof. Grayling issues terse, often idiosyncratic, definitions without…
William Lane Craig delivers his critique of Richard Dawkins' objections to arguments for the existence of God, followed by questions and…
William Lane Craig and Peter S.Williams debate with Arif Ahmed and Andrew Copson at the Cambridge Union Society.
After Bill Craig's lecture at Imperial College on The Reasonable Faith Tour, he was interviewed by the student television station, stoictv.…