Exploring The Shack
This resource provides extracts from Dr Paul Coulter's extensive study of The Shack.
Related resources for "There is No Big Picture"
This resource provides extracts from Dr Paul Coulter's extensive study of The Shack.
Less than two metres tall and only lasting about 70 years — can we matter in a universe that is so big and so old, so dark and so cold?
We are living in a day in which people are pessimistic about the future. There have always been pessimists, but now there is a general…
William Lane Craig examines the Big Bang theory and the question of why anything exists.
Most people in the world believe that when the world began, it was perfect. For the most part, humanity stands in agreement that something…
There's a persistent belief that the God of the Qur'an and the God of the Bible are essentially the same. But does this stand up to…
Why is happiness so hard to find? Perhaps we've been looking in the wrong place.
How we reply to this complex question will very much depend on who is asking, and we need to be ready to admit that we don’t have all…
One of the most common points on which Muslims attack Christians is on the whole question of the nature of God: in short, is God…