The Case for God – a review
Karen Armstrong was a Roman Catholic nun for seven years before she found she could no longer believe Catholic doctrines. She left her…
Related resources for Engaging with Muslims
Karen Armstrong was a Roman Catholic nun for seven years before she found she could no longer believe Catholic doctrines. She left her…
Readers of EN may remember a previous article where I reviewed several books by Bart Ehrman. I observed that Ehrman had previously been a…
During the Question and Answer session of Professor Craig's Manchester Lecture "Is Life without God Absurd?", he was asked how he came to…
One of the most common points on which Muslims attack Christians is on the whole question of the nature of God: in short, is God…
This wide-ranging collection of Rabbi Jonathan Sacks' writing and speeches offers plenty of food for thought.
An in-depth look at cognitive scientist Steven Pinker's book Rationality: What it is, Why it seems Scarce, Why it Matters
There's a persistent belief that the God of the Qur'an and the God of the Bible are essentially the same. But does this stand up to…
An introduction to Pagan beliefs and practices, with helpful advice for sharing the gospel with Pagan friends.
Are we nothing more than the result of neurons firing? Brain scientist Sharon Dirckx's concise book explores the issue from a Christian…