Mapping Reality
Alister McGrath's 'Inventing the Universe' argues that science and religion are not in opposition, they are complementary 'maps of reality'.
Related resources for Where to start with Islam?
Alister McGrath's 'Inventing the Universe' argues that science and religion are not in opposition, they are complementary 'maps of reality'.
Ruth Bancewicz sets out to help scientists understand how their Christian faith and scientific research can complement one another.
This comprehensive exploration of the history and mechanics of human curiosity argues that “Science swims in the slipstream of ultimate…
Never been to church? Been away from church for a while? This helpful book explores why it's worth going to church.
Religion and Science are often seen as entirely separate – this book tries to bring them together.
Why are so many of the films and TV shows we enjoy obsessed with the end of the world?
This is a ‘wham-bam, take it or leave it’ book. Prof. Grayling issues terse, often idiosyncratic, definitions without…
In this article, Peter S. Williams defends one of the key statements of Intelligent Design theory, namely that specified complexity…
A review of Nick Barham's Disconnected: Why our kids are turning their backs on everything we thought we knew.