"Jesus - The Son Of Man?"
Although Jesus claimed to be the divine Son of God, His favorite self-designation by far was ‘Son of Man’. How do we know that…
Related resources for Good, Bad or Mad - Who Really Is Jesus?
Although Jesus claimed to be the divine Son of God, His favorite self-designation by far was ‘Son of Man’. How do we know that…
The October 2000 issue of The Atlantic Monthly featured a perceptive, and, to many, a surprising essay on the renewal of evangelical…
Can we know who wrote the Gospels? This video examines whether there is any evidence to support the traditional authors.
This video considers whether we can dismiss the accounts of Jesus's life simply because they describe miracles.
Evidence in the Talmud for the crucifixion of Jesus.
Are there any substantial grounds to deny that Jesus existed? This article responds to the main arguments.
The way the Gospel accounts use correct place names shows that they were based on reliable information from first hand testimony.
This video examines the historical evidence that Jesus performed miracles.
This talk looks at who Jesus is and examines some of the misunderstandings about him, as well as his impact in history and the impact he…