The Sweet Words of an Enemy
If your mother claims that you are an honest person, we may trust you that you will do what you say. Yet some reservation is understandable…
Related resources for Did the Gospel Writers Spin Their Accounts of Jesus?
If your mother claims that you are an honest person, we may trust you that you will do what you say. Yet some reservation is understandable…
The doctrine of Christ's divinity is the central Christian doctrine, for it is like a skeleton key that opens all the others. Christians…
The virgin birth of Jesus Christ perplexes many people. Why is it such an important belief?
How can anyone believe the New Testament account of the life of Jesus, seeing that it was written so long after His death? There seems to…
How should we address apparent contradictions in the Bible? This article tackles some specific examples.
Although Jesus claimed to be the divine Son of God, His favorite self-designation by far was ‘Son of Man’. How do we know that…
A review of Michael Licona's attempt to explain differences in the Gospel narratives by looking at the work of Plutarch.
Three questions to ask your history teacher when they claim you can't trust the Gospels.
A review of Bart Ehrman's book claiming that many of the New Testament documents were falsely written under someone else's name.