Did Jesus Think He was God?
Who did Jesus really think he was? Did he actually claim to be God? And does it matter if he did?
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Who did Jesus really think he was? Did he actually claim to be God? And does it matter if he did?
The Scriptures tell us exactly who Jesus claimed to be and they clearly present Christ as God. The names applied to Christ in the New…
Melvin Tinker considers what God might want to say to Richard Dawkins in the light of his recent book The God Delusion. For more…
Who is Jesus? Who did he claim to be? What questions might we need to ask? What kind of evidence is there?
This lecture was given by Professor William Lane Craig at Nottingham University as a part of UCCF's Reasonable Faith Tour. The lecture is…
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English literary history is a curious thing. And one especially curious thing about it is that it contains very little of importance which…
Edith Reitsema discusses the life and philosophy of the late 19th century German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche, who challenged Christian…
Resources to help you investigate the truth of the easter story.